itself? What is life? It's a on going series of moments. Time is a big part life and no part at all. How can there be a future without a past? In (My) lifetime Ive had many up and downs.
Emotion has always been a big part of my life. Whether happy or sad either has been taken to the extreme. Ive laughed harder then others and cried more than some.
Ive loved many things and have had my heart ripped from love's grip. Reaching a closure is a milestone. A very hard milestone to reach. For time plays a major factor in closure.
Now, What is Closure? Does a thing like this really even exist? Good questions both of them. Closure is a piece of time that weighs on your very being. Time plays a heavy role in closure. Closure is just that a closing of time. To answer does it exist. Yes I think yes.
Again I have reached two very important closure's in my life. Timing was the key. These events of closure were closed long before in this on going series of moments. I just had to wait for myself to catch up to these events in time. One was a Debt and one was a relationship. I know for sure the debt is paid off. I know now for sure the relationship is over. The weight has been lifted. I want to stay positive.
Off subject. I feel a need to travel. I'm sending out thoughts of world travel.
I was born in Japan. My Mother told me my birth story. While in Japan I became a life. My moments started ticking. I was born in Oct 1960 I am now 49. To get back to the birth story. I was born in a very rural part of Japan. It was a long Bumpy dirt road to Hospital. I think that has something to do with who I am now. Even moments before birth add up. I recently attended a party. There were two people there from Japan. They were both Oct babies. Very nice people. They said that I needed to go back to that bumpy road and just listen to the sounds. They said it will fill in my soul to hear those noises and sights and the area has not changed that not over the years. I feel this need inside me to return. I have always felt different as american being born in Japan. So I am sending out thoughts of world travel.
Back to closure. Before because of my debt I could not obtain a passport. Now that I have closure I can. Life is full of openings and closings. I'm happy for what Ive achieved thus far in my life. There are so many things I love and that love me back.
So I still have relationships. I'm happy to have written my post before this and still be on path. I will end by saying closure is just another opening in these moments of life and time.
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