Friday, July 17, 2009

Strange and Wonderful things are Happening Again

My Life at this point is taking wonderful turns.
It was not so long ago I was a lost soul.
I will be the first to admit that I am No angel.
The Lord works through me as I am his tool.

I will start with a quick story...

My friend like many other people is going through a ruff time.
He got evicted after 16 years of residing in Depot Town Ypsilanti.
I have been trying my hardest to keep him a float and help him as much as I can.
He came over on Monday and needed to talk and make a plan for his exit to his new life. I helped arrange a U-haul and get people to move him along with myself.
As he sat there I could see the stress on his face and feel his emotion in my soul.
He was confused looking for phone numbers in his wallet.
It was at that time that I noticed he could not read the writing on the the paper.
I myself need and use reading glasses and I had just received my new glasses from the VA hospital as my eyes get worse every year. So I offered him one of my old pairs and he accepted the kindness. He remarked that the glasses made a world of difference.
I was happy I could do something to lift his spirits. I myself have been waiting for a Beatles Anthology book I won on eBay for a very good price.

Next day

I go to my mailbox to see if the book had come. Open The mail box and to my surprise
there is a new pair of glasses (return to sender) with my address and name as the sender and they are my prespricption. I sent no glasses to anyone. Im still puzzled as to where they came from and who sent them. I know in my heart where they came from. So I will leave it at that. I came back into my apt and sent a email to the person I won the book bid from. Telling him I hadn't received the book yet. The moment I pushed send there was a knock at my door. Its was the mailman with the book.
I accepted it and said "Thank You". I closed the door, turned around and saw a email pop up on my computer. Its was the book sender with this simple message "It should be there very soon". My mind was blown by the timing and the new glasses are better than the new ones I received a month earlier. I enjoyed the book that much more.

These same kinds of things happened to me in my manic state.

My cards are stacked in my favor as he uses me like a puppet.
I am truly blessed to be where I am in life and hold no regrets.
He is also healing old wounds from my past.
These are wounds that are very personal and deep so I wont discuss them in
this type of forum. Although I'm not afraid to share them in the right setting.
For now I will myself to him as he has more control over me than I can ever have.
In God I trust.
I will say it again.
God is Good.
Love is God.
God is God.
The Lord is everything.
We are all just renters of his kingdom.

Its so easy to get swallowed up in the pain

God Is Good