Monday, July 11, 2005

My Letter of truth I wrote this over a year ago

Jerry Lee Willcockson
William Timothy Harrison

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Jerry Lee Willcockson. I am based out of Ypsilanti Mi, home of James Osterberg. I have just started a business with a friend of mine named Tim Harrison. We are in the business of taking care of the people that take care of us! We are currently helping several local businesses to succeed. Our company name is called “Jiggajoe”. “Jigga” as we understand the term, means “the man” in charge; I was given this name by a couple soul brothers and did not ask for it; “joe”, is my “father” and “ Inspiration”, Joseph Hardie Willcockson, whom has past on. These together have formed the foundational ideas of “Jiggajoe.” We are currently marketing T-shirts from our home called the ”I know tim too” shirts. What we are doing is taking pictures of Tim in front of local landmarks and transferring images with positive sayings on recycled shirts that have a good message as well. Tim is a local icon in these parts. We have already gotten positive response from all that have seen these. Our shirts are available

We have so many more marketing ideas and techniques that are just waiting to be materialized. This could be the start of a very beautiful future. We hope to take this message to the world. We would appreciate any advice or help that we could get. If you would like samples of our work, or messages, please reply to Jerry Lee Willcockson by Email

Now I will tell you a story,

Tim and Myself are two men. We are men with a strong faith. Just people that you pass on the street and don’t smile at. Sometimes we just sit on the bench and talk of our lives and the world today. I will start with my life. I, Jerry Lee Willcockson, am a recovering alcoholic, former drug dealer, and user. There was a time when I did not care for my own children. Yes, I was a deadbeat dad. There was a time when I did not call my mother because I was so wrapped up in the shit of the world that I did not care, and now I do. I ask you “Why is this a story”? I have stolen from my family. I have hurt my fellow man. I have lied to people I love. I have cheated on my partners. I have talked behind the backs of people that call me “ Friend”. These things I have written are all true and I am not proud of any of them. There is so much more to this story if you would only listen and help me tell it. For the first time in my forty-four years alive I am offering total honesty. If I could help just one person be more successful, then I am willing to give my story to the world. In doing so, I hope that someone would hear me and come forward to support us and help our story end as a happy one. Tim Harrison has a story as well. He has had a very hard life. He will have to tell you his. I can’t speak for him. We invite you into our homes to hear our stories. All we are trying to do is help our people smile some more. Be happy some more. Love some more. All we would like is a success story for knowing that we made a difference. Please help us because all we really want is, the story to end like this………………And they lived happily ever after……………… We have not yet professed ourselves to be “Saints” but now, we are at least trying! There is part of our story! Please help!

Tim and I hope and wish to?
Start a business that is fun to work at. Where the only uniform is a candy necklace and whatever else “YOU” choose. Why? So in the morning when you put it on you smile! While you work you have something to eat! And at the end of your workday “Maybe” someone that likes you will join you for supper! Another point!!! We have met with a master web designer His name is Sean Cloney. The name of this site will be disclosed at a later date. We hope to have these features. A page for every employee and non-employee to post pictures of family members called employees from the past. Tim, Sean, and I will be the first to do so on this site we invite anyone to do so and, also highly encourage this act for anyone that wishes to do so. This would allow people to see our pasts and others to as well. We hope to be associated with sites like and to name a few. Also, to have a feature called “we know tim too” and “tim know you too” business link. If we all get on the same page we will be easier to work with. Another point!!! We would like to create a new job title. The Coolest Person In The World!!! This way, “all childern”, have a role model to look up to!!! To use money for the well being of our fellow human beings!!! “World Peace”!!! Imagine? We hope to unite the World as its never been united before. We are hoping for support for “Rootstand” so we, as a whole, will have one “band” that the whole world can be a part of watch grow and spread happiness, laughter, and dance. “love”! We have this power inside of “all” of us. It’s time to share this power with everyone! The “world” could be a better place if we all listen to “christmas music” more. Please, “we hope for support”!!

The “Key” is the “Candy necklace”!!! “Our key can open your heart”!!! “A candy necklace can do "what”? “Save” and feed starving “Childern”!!! You might ask yourself “How”? Like this we say with a “Flintstone” vitamin on each “Candy necklace”!!! At least this will keep them alive until “We” can get them more “Help”! Something that costs about one “Penny” to make! Do “We” as people have a penny to spare to “Save” a starving child? “One penny”!!! If we all wear them together we could see that we are all fighting for the cause “World peace”!!!! That means “Save the world”!!! “Clean water here”! Nothing grows without “Clean water”!! Did we say “Clean water”!!! This means “Clean water” is “A Key”!!! “Racism”! The colors on the “Candy necklace” could show us all that we are all the same! A box of “Crayons” has a lot of colors in the same box! They work together!! That means “Save us all”!!! Why do we not? “Rehabilition”! If given to Inmates they might see that they are a part of this “World” too? That means “Save then too”!!! “Human beings”!!! If we wear one we might be less tempted to participate in crime itself? This would surely make the job of law enforcement easier! That means do not kill the police they are trying to “Save us too“!!! “From ourselfs”!!! communication”? By wearing one you might say “Hello” to someone else that has one on? Talk about it? “ “Maybe we can save everyone”!!! Can we close the “Genaration gap”? “A new born wears a bracelet”! “As do the elderly”! “Everyone”!!! “Trust”!! “Everyone”!!! “Did we say everyone”? If we all look silly we all “Smile”! “Did we say all”? “Growth”? We plant sugar cane where the “Rain forests” were? This means lets all really try “From our hearts”!!! “Deserts”? Who cares about them? “We should”!!! The soil might be rich once more? The “Ozone” layer may heal itself? Creatures of the “World” may flourish again? The “World” may come back to life? Coulda, shoulda, woulda!! Wow!!!! That makes since to us!!! How about “You”? Dare we try? ”Did we say we”? “Family”!!!!!!!!! “Lets become one”? “To find a answer we must first look for one”!! “United we can make the change one penny at a time”!!!

“We have a dream”! “Something”! “Many great people have tried”! “This is their dream too”! “A wise man once said” “ We are all god disguised as ourselfs”! Have we learned from our pasts? “Do not shoot the messenger”! “The messenger is you too”! Can we pick up the ball again? Now is the time! Time is all we have! Open your heart!!! Show support!!! “Lets all work together”!!! “Wear a candy necklace”! The newspapers think we have no story!!! Please show them they are wrong!!!! “Top story”!!! “World news”!!! “Headlines read”…………”World sells all candy necklaces over nighT”!!!!!!!!!!!! “the world can be a sweet place”!!! “if we all try”!! Thank you for your time. We hope to hear from you soon!

“All we are saying is, ”Give peace a chance”:)
Jerry Lee Willcockson and William Timothy Harrison
The Man and The Coolest Person In The “World”(:

PS: Print this on any paper you can find, pass it on “Spread the word”!!!(::)